Becoming Bully Proof

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A Tale of Courage and Warrior Spirit

“A personal empowerment journey inspired by my life, ‘Becoming Bully Proof’ is more than a book on overcoming bullying. It’s a guide for any young athlete or individual facing challenges, offering wisdom I wish I had known as a teen. While it complements our teen athlete/hockey program, its core messages resonate with anyone seeking to stand up for themselves, believe in their potential, and overcome life’s hurdles.”

In this award-winning book, follow twelve-year-old Logan, a kind-hearted kid who becomes the target of bullies. When his mother reaches out to Uncle Joe, a master martial arts instructor, Logan embarks on a transformative journey. Through Uncle Joe’s teachings, Logan learns more than self-defense; he discovers the essence of warrior confidence.

This is a tale of facing challenges, cultivating resilience, and finding the quiet strength within. “Becoming Bully Proof” is not just about combating bullies; it’s about embracing the warrior’s path, learning to believe in oneself, and standing tall with the character and confidence of a champion.

Join Logan as he learns the foundational steps of becoming bully proof — a journey that readers will recognize as their own, inspiring them to unlock their inner warrior and unleash their full potential.

Book Available in Paperback, Audiobook and eBook

I Believe in Me

Empower Your Children with Confidence

“Start the journey of self-belief early with ‘I Believe in ME.’ This book isn’t just for learning the ABCs; it’s about instilling confidence and positivity in young minds. Each letter brings a powerful affirmation, helping little ones grow up with the mindset of champions and leaders. It’s a perfect first step for families looking to nurture high achievers and resilient individuals.”

This book is more than just a children’s book; it’s a nurturing journey through the alphabet, where each letter introduces a positive affirmation, designed to plant seeds of self-confidence and empowerment in young minds.

Each page of ‘I Believe in ME’ reinforces self-belief and fosters a positive self-image, encouraging children to embrace their unique qualities and strengths. This book is a daily reminder of their awesomeness and potential, crafted to inspire and encourage a positive self-view.

An essential resource for parents and educators, ‘I Believe in ME’ empowers children with the knowledge that they can achieve anything they set their minds to. It’s an invaluable guide for a lifelong journey of self-worth and potential, helping children grow up with the strength of affirmations. ‘I Believe in ME: A-Z Positive Affirmation’ is more than a book; it’s a companion in their journey of growth and self-discovery.

Book Available in Paperback

5 Essential Tips To Earn More Ice Time

Is your child doing everything they can to earn more ice time? Download this FREE PDF and find out.